Feorlygn - Blasse Buche (Haya Pálida)

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e enjte, korrik 20, 2006

Sir Orfeo

"Lo!" thai seyd, "swiche a man!
Hou long the here hongeth him opan!
Lo! Hou his berd hongeth to his kne!
He is y-clongen also a tre!"
And, as he yede in the strete,
With his steward he gan mete,
And loude he sett on him a crie:
"Sir steward!" he seyd, "merci!
Icham an harpour of hethenisse;
Help me now in this destresse!"
The steward seyd, "Com with me, come;
Of that ichave, thou schalt have some.
Everich gode harpour is welcom me to
For mi lordes love, Sir Orfeo."


Blogger Asier G. said...

'O look! O what a man!' they said,
'How long the hair hangs from his head!
His beard is dangling to his knee!
He is gnarled and knotted like a tree!'
Then as he walked along the street
He chanced his steward there to meet,
and after him aloud cried he:
'Mercy, sir steward, have on me!
A harper I am from Heathenesse;
to thee I turn in my distress.'
The steward said: 'Come with me, come!
Of what I have thou shalt have some.
All harpers good welcome make
For my dear lord Sir Orfeo's sake.'

7:18 e pasdites  

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